Hi RichNurse! Hi Barbie! This blog should have been started a long time ago! But here we are now. If you haven't noticed by now I'm very much introverted, but I'm determined to share my message with the world, so here we are blogging lol! Welcome all new RichNurses and old RichNurses too and let's get into it!
Last weekend, I had the pleasure of watching the Barbie movie and I was so inspired and amazed. If you were born in the 80s like me, you know how much Barbie has influenced and shaped our lives! Side note I was the girl who would cut my barbies hair and turned my barbies into weird barbie!
RichNurse was created to empower nurses to live life abundantly! While watching the movie I had so many ah ha moments and I noticed so many similarities with the brand RichNurse. Here are my key takeaways from the Barbie Movie for Rich Nurses (I promise I won't share too much about the movie for those who haven't watched it yet!):
1. Embrace your unique skills as a nurse
Like Barbie in the movie, there are millions of nurses all over the world. In the movie, every doll's name was Barbie. But there was that main character BARBIE, when Ken called her name we knew she was, THE BARBIE! Every nurse has unique skills and talents to offer the world and become THE RICH NURSE. It's imperative as a nurse to embrace your unique skill sets and use it to achieve success as an entrepreneur, if that's the route that you choose. Don't hold back your talent for fear of not fitting in; instead, use it to set yourself apart from the rest. Bring that MAIN CHARACTER energy!
2. Courage, Passion, & Resilience
Barbie faced many obstacles throughout the movie, but she doesn't give up on her dreams because her passion empowers her to keep going. On the journey to RICH NURSE you will face challenges, roadblocks, and disappointments. To succeed, like Barbie you need to be courageous, passionate, and resilient. You will also have to take risks, embrace your failures, and learn from your mistakes. The key is to stay persistent and continue pushing even when the odds seem stacked against you. With hard work and persistence, anything is possible.
3. Creative problem-solving
One thing I admired from Barbies' character in the movie is her creative problem-solving skills. As a RICH NURSE, it’s important to develop this skill to navigate the challenges you will encounter. Whether you’re just starting your RICH NURSE journey and maybe trying to come up with a business idea or figuring out how to get from point A to point B, your ability to think outside the box will be a valuable asset.
4. Network is your net worth
In the Barbie movie, the Barbie network was strong! Barbies reputation, her ability to connect with others, and personal connections were so critical to her success. The same principle applies as a RICH NURSE, your personal connections, people you surround yourself with, community, people that you have access to can help you tremendously.
5. Take risks
Throughout the movie, Barbie takes risk after risk to get ahead. As a Rich Nurse you should also be willing to take risks. Even if you have to leave you comfort zone like Barbie and go to new territory to get the job done!
In conclusion, The Barbie movie has a powerful message that I resonated with and hopefully you as a RICH NURSE can to. Here is a link to the Barbie Inspired Rich Nurse Tee that was created in honor of Barbie https://shoprichnurse.com/products/barbie-inspired-rich-nurse-tshirt
After reading this blog, I hope you feel empowered and inspired to be the RICH NURSE that you are and to never ever give up!
Signing off,
The Rich Nurse